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                返回顶部 浮动阀座 技术特点 部件材质



                Floating ball valves are small in size, light weight, simple structure, good sealing, but ball workunder medium load to export all seals and therefore to consider sealing material can withstandsphere medium work loads.



                制造范围: 1寸-4寸

                迺用温度: -46℃-250"℃


                DEVLON:150Lb-2500Lb NYLON:150Lb-2500Lb

                PEEK:150Lb-2500Lb NESPEL:150Lb-2500Lb

                High performance flexible floating seatDesign principle: lip shape seal technology

                Manufacturing scope:1-4inch

                Applicable temperature: -46C- 250C

                Applicable pressure: P.T.F.E:150Lb-600Lb P.T.F.E:150Lb-1500Lb

                DEVLON:150Lb-2500Lb NYLON:150Lb-2500LbPEEK:150Lb-2500Lb NESPEL:150Lb-2500Lb



                想要让密封材料像橡胶一样,受压时可以发生较怎么解决唐韦大的变形,来填补金属表面的微观不平度,而当应力消「除后又能回复其原来的形状,这龙组种现象被称为材料的“记忆特性”所以我们的目的,就是要设计-一种密封座的形状,克服PTFE的“冷流" 和热膨胀特性的缺陷来改善其记忆特性。这种密封结构称之为具有挠性的唇式密封技术。


                由于阀座是唇竟然在吹牛打屁形设计,在初始密封时∞是下点密封,当ζ 压力升高阀座唇形位置变形,形成两点密封,使密封性能更加可靠。


                阀座背面有一定的』弧度来减小直角变形的缺点, 同时使※唇形阀座具有优良的弹性性能。



                1. Lip shape seal design

                The rubber will occur large deformation under pressure to offset theroughness of metal surface, and can recover its original shape whenstress relief. This material is called as " Memory Property". We planto create a new seat material that can overcome the defects ofPTFE cold flow and thermal expansion and improve the memoryproperty. This sealing structure is called as Lucky Lip SealTechnology.

                2. Double layers sealing structure

                The lip shape seal seat has the advantages that its position will bechanged due to high temperature, which will form double pointssealing, sealing performance is more reliable.

                3. Backpressure deformation structure

                There is a certain radian on the back side of the seat to prevent theright angle from being defomed, and it also can improve the lipshape seal seat elasticity.

                4. Shape deformation structure

                The radian angle on the seat mainly avoid the higher extrusionstress occurred because of the deformation of the lip shape sealseat.

                (1)如右图所示:为传∏统的填塞式密封方式,塑料应变发生在球体与密封座记忆和阀体与密封座之间,这两个区域的接触应㊣ 力大小,决定阀门的密封性能。

                (1) As shown on the right: lt is a conventional packed type sealmethod, the strain stress of plastic between ball and seat or bodyand seat, of which contact areas size will decide valve sealing.



                装配前后唇缘的形状变化,蓄储了材料眼里有暗红色的弹性变形能,像弹簧- -样。而且当温▅度或压力升高时,进一步吸⊙收弹性变形能,当温待雯雯走进了房间度或压力下降时,泄放弹性变形能来获得记忆特性。

                (2) As shown below figure: The improved sealing seat has theflowing characteristics: keep the ball in the center of body and alittle floatation; the lip area will occur a deformation afterassembling and obtain low pressure seal; the supporting point, incase of pressure and temperature increasing, to balance themedium force onto seat, this can prevent the cold flow happened.

                The shape of unmounted lip shape seat cross section as shownfigure A, the completed shape as shown figure B, there are 4contact points, point B refers to sealing point contacting with ball,point A to sealing point contacting with ball, point C to supportingpoint contacting with ball while point to supporting point contactingwith ball.

                The elasticity is reserved similar like spring due todeformation. When temperature or pressure increasing, to absorbin the elastic deformation energy; while decreasing, to obtainmemory property after release the elastic deformation energy.


                (3) Grooving to protect the seat from being destroyed in the extrusion

                (4)上下碰触,中部赋予弹性空间的方式保证材料弹性但是到底是暗影门还是杀手组织蓄能能力实现记忆特性。同时减少接触ω 面面积,降低扭矩

                (4) Up and bottom contact, to reserve material elasticity and obtain


                (5) New type seat figure of Cheng Gong:process.









                1. Avoid wrongly operate lever

                Usually, to check valve operation status by checking the lever'sposition, it means open when the lever is parallel with the pipeline, andif vertical with the pipeline the valve is closed. The general shapeconnected between the lever and stem is flat rectangle which cancause to wrongly operation due to incorrect connection. However, theshape of floating ball valve from Cheng Gong is flat square, no wrongconnection will be happened and even no wrong operation.

                2. Ball valve with locking device

                Manual ball valve shall be locked in the full on or off position in order toprevent the valve from being operated improperly by non-employee.This also can reduce accident possibilities from pipeline shake or otherunexpected things, especially for the valve used in the services ofexplosive oil, chemicals and field environment.

                3. Blow-out proof stem design

                To prevent the stem from being blown out as a result of abnormallyrising of floating ball valve intemal pressure, a raised shoulder speciallydesigned on the bottom of the stem. And to eliminate the fires and stopthe leakage because the packings bumed out, thrust bearing mountedon the contact position between raised shoulder and stem, which cangenerate a reversed seal seat to prevent any leakage.

                Subjected to the intemnal pressure, the general ball valve has thedisadvantages that the stem is easier to be blown out in the case ofpackings bumned out and the damage of gland and bolts. The fluid willspilt out lead to big accident happened, that is really forbidden.


                The TFE/RPPL metal material bearing for ball valve canprevent the stem being jammed and easy operation.



                4. Anti-static performance

                To reduce static electricity which exists in ball, stem and TFE/RPPIseat, it is possible that the static charge will be discharge to bumableor explosive medium and creating spark, we require an anti-staticspring in the ball-stem connection and ball-body connection. Therefore,the build-up static electricity will be immediately connected to theground and ensure system safety.


                为防没想到是身边止因火灾或聚热的出现,是唐镇在家传绝学阀座烧损时↓,发生较大泄漏▲,而助长火势,球阀在球体和阀座间设置了防火密封环,当阀座烧』损后,介质将球体迅打人啦速推向下游端的金属密封环上,形成金属可能是临近一- -金属接触,起一定⌒ 程度的密封。从而保证系统∏的安全。

                5. Fire-proof protective structure

                ChengGong company set a fire-proof seal ring to protect seat in caseof fire. The ball will be pushed into the downstream immediately underthe action of medium, it can help to seal once connected with eachothers to safeguard the system safety.



                6. Special seat structure

                According to our several years' experiences, we develop a kind ofdouble sealing seat with elasticity that hasanexcellent sealingperformance when used in the high pressure valve, low pressure valveand vacuum valve.



                7. No external leakage body sealing structure

                Since there is just a gasket between body and cover, it will leak incase of fire, high temperature, shake and uneven tighten torque. Inaddition to gasket for the floating ball valve, the contacts areas bodyand cover specially designed to metal seal and can avoid extemalleakage.